TTT: Top Ten Books On My Summer TBR List

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My TBR list is to the point of madness that I’ve already tried to curtail it by doing my 25 Reads Project (which will probably change next year to something more theme-related, but we’ll see). So my Top Ten Books on My Summer TBR List is going to be a majority of what I have on my project as well as a smattering of other books I intend (hah, snort, okay) to get through before the summer actually is over.

The Silvered by Tanya Huff
Mages and werewolves and kingdoms oh my! Considering this was an early birthday present, of course I’m going to make it out of my way to read this in July. Oh, and steampunk, yes.

Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore
I always found Princess Bitterblue fascinating in the Graceling novel, and I haven’t been steered wrong with Cashore so far. I finally have the beautiful hardcover as part of my collection, and yet it’s still taking me ages to get to reading this book.

Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
Another steampunk making it to my TBR list of the summer. I keep hearing about Cherie Priest, and how this is a must-read for this particular sub-genre, especially because the location is far, far off from typical Victorian England: Seattle.

The Shambling Guide to New York City by Mur Lafferty
This has been on my list since I saw it on Orbit Books’ new releases (that said, this has been around since 2013, so it doesn’t really count as a new release anymore). I’m not sure what caught my attention first, the cool, guide-looking title or the fact there’s a dragon perched on the Empire State Building.

Divergent by Veronica Roth
This probably includes the entire trilogy, ’cause yeah, I’ve been meaning to read this before the movie came out, and that didn’t work out as I planned. Still, since I haven’t actually seen the movie yet, I’ll try to get this–and its sequels–read before I do.

Enclave by Ann Aguirre
I read a short story of Ann Aguirre’s in Corsets and Clockwork, a steampunk anthology, and I loved the story so much I added her in as someone to look out for in the future. I found Enclave around the same time Divergent was getting traction, so I’m putting her on this list as well.

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner
Mmm, more dystopia fun. I loved The Maze Runner, and The Scorch Trials would be book 2 of the series. Indirectly, I’ll probably try to finish book 3 by summer’s end as well. Try being the key word.

The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett
I got my complimentary copy of The Warded Man signed by Brett a while back and it shames me to say I still haven’t read it. I have read a short story from his Demon Cycle series, and have attended an excerpt reading of one of his later Demon Cycle books, but I really should get on this series.

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
Almost done with The Well of Ascension, so the logical move would be to finish the Mistborn trilogy. Easier said than done as epic fantasies tend to take me forever to read (and not because of lack of interest, mind). I really do need to finish this so I can move on to the series that I’d put on my project. On another note, I really want to make sugar cookies and paint Allomantic metals on top…

Rise of the Evening Star by Brandon Mull
Whew. Something not so epic here. At the recommendation of a friend, I picked up Fablehaven and loved it. Thankfully, this is one of those series where cliffhanger endings don’t exist, so can pick each book up at a leisurely pace (though, I do this for most series, even with cliffhanger endings…).

Whether or not I get to all of these books is something else entirely. I tend to meander, so I might end up reading other things on the way and changing my mind and pushing things off for much later. Likely I will have read all on the list, if not this summer, then by the end of the year.

4 thoughts on “TTT: Top Ten Books On My Summer TBR List

  1. You have a bunch of books I love on this list! Tanya Huff and Ann Aguirre are favorite authors of mine. I also adore the Cherie Priest series, loved the world-building in Enclave, enjoyed getting to see more of Bitterblue, and The Shambling Guide was quite funny.

    The Sanderson books are on my TBR list, too.


    1. It’s always great to hear that others enjoyed the books I’ve yet to read. It gives me some idea of what to look forward to when I do!


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